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Lecture 1: Introduction

by Hongwoo 2024. 3. 3.



    Learning Objective: 

    Compare centralized and collaborative AI paradigms


    Artificial Intelligence

    AI is the study and design of intelligent agents (지능형 에이전트)

    Intelligent agents:

    - have own thread of control, continually executing

    - are autonomous 

    - exhibit proactive, reactive, and social behavior

    - can be physical or virtual, embodied or software-only


    여기서 proactive, reactive, social ability의 뜻은 다음과 같다.

    Proactive: intelligent agents are able to exhibit goal-directed behavior by taking the initiative to satisfy their objectives

    Reactive: intelligent agents are able to perceive their environment and respond

    Social ability: intelligent agents are capable of interacting with other agents (and possibly humans) to satisfy their objectives



    Centralized AI Systems

    Centralized AI system → Single-Agent System

    - Centralized/Distributed computation but centralized control



    Collaborative AI Systems

    Collaborative AI system → Multi-Agent System

    Decentralized computation and control



    Collaborative AI: Why?

    No single agent has all information or capabilities for solving a problem

    - Data is decentralized

    - Computation is decentralized (and asynchronous)

    There is no system for global control

    Humans are part of the system


    Hybrid (human - AI) intelligence:

    Humans assisting machines (training, explaining, sustaining)

    Machines assisting humans (amplifying, interacting, embodying)



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