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CPL 1 : Syntax and Parsing

by Hongwoo 2024. 3. 25.


    Parsing by Hand

    Given the following grammar: 


    (1 + 2) * (1 + 4)를 AST와 Node Version으로 변환.


    Given the following Grammar:


    pi * r * r을 AST와 Node Version으로 변환.



    Given the following grammar:

    AndC가 OrC보다 먼저.

    false or true and (true or false)




    context-free syntax
      Expr.NumExt       = INT      // integer literals
      Expr.TrueExt      = [true]
      Expr.FalseExt     = [false]
      Expr.UnOpExt      = [([UnOp] [Expr])]
      Expr.BinOpExt     = [([BinOp] [Expr] [Expr])]
      UnOp.MIN          = [-]
      UnOp.NOT          = [not]
      UnOp.HEAD         = [head]
      UnOp.TAIL         = [tail]
      UnOp.ISNIL        = [is-nil]
      UnOp.ISLIST       = [is-list]
      BinOp.PLUS        = [+]
      BinOp.MULT        = [*]
      BinOp.MINUS       = [-]
      BinOp.AND         = [and]
      BinOp.OR          = [or]
      BinOp.NUMEQ       = [num=]
      BinOp.NUMLT       = [num<]
      BinOp.NUMGT       = [num>]
      BinOp.CONS        = [cons]
      Expr.IfExt        = [(if [Expr] [Expr] [Expr])]
      Expr.NilExt       = [nil]
      Expr.ListExt      = [(list [Expr*])]
      Expr.CondExt      = [(cond [Branch+])]
      Expr.CondEExt     = [(cond [Branch+] (else [Expr]))]
      Branch.Branch     = [([Expr] [Expr])]


    (+ (* 152 390) 23)



    (if (num> (+ 2 3) 4)



    (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))




    (is-nil (list 2 3 5 8 13))




          ((num= 4 3) 0) 
          (false 1) 
          (else 3)




    Mandatory Assignments

    과제: Take an s-expression and returns an AST (ExprExt).


    1. Basics

    case SNum(n) => NumExt(n)
    case SSym("true") => TrueExt()
    case SSym("false") => FalseExt()
    case SSym("nil") => NilExt()



    2. Unary operators

    case SList(SSym("-") :: l :: Nil) => UnOpExt("-", parse(l))
    case SList(SSym("not") :: l :: Nil) => UnOpExt("not", parse(l))
    case SList(SSym("head") :: l :: Nil) => UnOpExt("head", parse(l))
    case SList(SSym("head") :: l :: Nil) => UnOpExt("head", parse(l))
    case SList(SSym("tail") :: l :: Nil) => UnOpExt("tail", parse(l))
    case SList(SSym("is-nil") :: l :: Nil) => UnOpExt("is-nil", parse(l))
    case SList(SSym("is-list") :: l :: Nil) => UnOpExt("is-list", parse(l))



    3. Binary Operators

    case SList(SSym("+") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("+", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("-") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("-", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("*") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("*", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("num=") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("num=", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("num<") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("num<", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("num>") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("num>", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("and") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("and", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("or") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("or", parse(l), parse(r))
    case SList(SSym("cons") :: l :: r :: Nil) => BinOpExt("cons", parse(l), parse(r))



    4. If statement

    case SList(SSym("if") :: c :: t :: e :: Nil) => IfExt(parse(c), parse(t), parse(e))



    5. List

    case SList(SSym("list") :: Nil) => ListExt(Nil)
    case SList(SSym("list") :: t) => ListExt(parseList(t))
    def parseList(t: List[SExpr]) : List[ExprExt] = t match {
      case Nil => Nil
      case h :: t => parse(h) :: parseList(t)


    우선 Empty List, 즉 SList(SSym("list) :: Nil)일 경우에는 ListExt(Nil) 반환.

    만약에 empty list가 아닌 경우에는 helper function을 따로 만든다. 



    6. Multi-Armed Conditional

    Multi-Armed Conditional은 다음과 같은 형태가 있다. 

    (cond (e00 e01) (e10 e11) ... (en0 en1))
    (cond (e00 e01) (e10 e11) ... (en0 en1) (else e))



    case SList(SSym("cond") :: t) => parseCond(t)
    def parseCond(t: List[SExpr]) : ExprExt = t match {
      case Nil => throw new ParseExceptionImpl("")
      case SList(x :: y :: Nil) :: SList(SSym("else") :: z :: Nil) :: Nil => CondEExt(List((parse(x), parse(y))), parse(z))
      case SList(x :: y :: Nil) :: Nil => CondExt(List((parse(x), parse(y))))
      case SList(x :: y :: Nil) :: tail => parseCond(tail) match {
        case CondEExt(condition, e) => CondEExt((parse(x), parse(y)) :: condition, e)
        case CondExt(condition) => CondExt((parse(x), parse(y)) :: condition)
        case _ => throw new ParseExceptionImpl("")
      case _ => throw new ParseExceptionImpl("")


    1. (cond  (e00  e01)  (else e))일 경우:

    parseCond에 두번째 condition

      case SList(x :: y :: Nil) :: SList(SSym("else") :: z :: Nil) :: Nil => CondEExt(List((parse(x), parse(y))), parse(z))


    2. (cond  (e00  e01)일 경우:

    case SList(x :: y :: Nil) :: Nil => CondExt(List((parse(x), parse(y))))


    3. 만약에 condition이 하나가 아니라 여러개이면:

      case SList(x :: y :: Nil) :: tail => parseCond(tail) match {
        case CondEExt(condition, e) => CondEExt((parse(x), parse(y)) :: condition, e)
        case CondExt(condition) => CondExt((parse(x), parse(y)) :: condition)
        case _ => throw new ParseExceptionImpl("")



    '학교 > CPL' 카테고리의 다른 글

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    Lecture 3: Semantics & Transformations  (1) 2024.03.26
    Lecture 2: Syntax & Parsing  (1) 2024.03.25
    Lecture 1: Introduction  (0) 2024.03.19
