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CPL 1-2: Semantics and Transformations

by Hongwoo 2024. 3. 26.



    Translating from Java to Paret

    Example 1)


    Example 2)


    Example 3)


    Example 4)




    Mandatory Assignment

    desugar takes an abstract syntax tree (ExprExt) as input, and returns a core syntax tree (ExprC).
    interp takes a core syntax tree (ExprC) as input, and returns a value (Value).


    1. Basics


    case TrueExt() => TrueC()
    case FalseExt() => FalseC()
    case NumExt(n) => NumC(n)
    case NilExt() => NilC()


    case TrueC() => BoolV(true)
    case FalseC() => BoolV(false)
    case NumC(n) => NumV(n)
    case NilC() => NilV()



    2. Unary Operators


    case UnOpExt(s, e) => s match {
      case "-" => MultC(NumC(-1), desugar(e))
      case "not" => IfC(desugar(e), FalseC(), TrueC())
      case "head" => HeadC(desugar(e))
      case "tail" => TailC(desugar(e))
      case "is-nil" => IsNilC(desugar(e))
      case "is-list" => IsListC(desugar(e))
      case _ => throw new DesugarExceptionImpl("Unary")


    case HeadC(e) => interp(e) match {
      case ConsV(h, t) => h
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("Head")
    case TailC(e) => interp(e) match {
      case ConsV(h, t) => t
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("Tail")
    case IsNilC(e) => interp(e) match {
      case NilV() => BoolV(true)
      case ConsV(h, t) => BoolV(false)
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("is nil")
    case IsListC(e) => interp(e) match {
      case NilV() => BoolV(true)
      case ConsV(h, t) => BoolV(true)
      case _ => BoolV(false)



    3. Binary Operators


    case BinOpExt(s, l, r) => s match {
      case "+" => PlusC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
      case "*" => MultC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
      case "-" => PlusC(desugar(l), MultC(NumC(-1), desugar(r)))
      case "and" => IfC(desugar(l), desugar(r), FalseC())
      case "or" => IfC(desugar(l), TrueC(), desugar(r))
      case "num=" => EqNumC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
      case "num<" => LtC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
      case "num>" => LtC(desugar(r), desugar(l))
      case "cons" => ConsC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
      case _ => throw new DesugarExceptionImpl("Binary")



    case PlusC(l, r) => (interp(l), interp(r)) match {
      case (NumV(l), NumV(r)) => NumV(l+r)
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("Plus")
    case MultC(l, r) => (interp(l), interp(r)) match {
      case (NumV(l), NumV(r)) => NumV(l*r)
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("Plus")
    case EqNumC(l, r) => (interp(l), interp(r)) match {
      case (NumV(l), NumV(r)) => BoolV(l==r)
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("EqNum")
    case LtC(l, r) => (interp(l), interp(r)) match {
      case (NumV(l), NumV(r)) => BoolV(l < r)
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("LtC")



    4. If statement


    case IfExt(c, t, e) => IfC(desugar(c), desugar(t), desugar(e))



    case IfC(c, t, e) => interp(c) match {
      case BoolV(true) => interp(t)
      case BoolV(false) => interp(e)
      case _ => throw new InterpExceptionImpl("IF")



    5. List

    desugar: ConsC로 변환

    case ListExt(l) => desugarList(l)
    def desugarList(l: List[ExprExt]) : ExprC = l match {
      case Nil => NilC()
      case h :: t => ConsC(desugar(h), desugarList(t))



    case ConsC(l, r) => ConsV(interp(l), interp(r))



    6. cond


    case CondExt(cs) => desugarCond(cs)
    def desugarCond(cs: List[(ExprExt, ExprExt)]): ExprC = cs match {
      case Nil => UndefinedC()
      case (e1, e2) :: t => IfC(desugar(e1), desugar(e2), desugarCond(t))
      case _ => throw DesugarExceptionImpl("Cond") 


    Multi-armed conditional이기 때문에 IfC형태로 변환. 

    (e1  e2)뜻은 만약에 e1=true, then execute e2이기 때문에 이 두개를 IfC에 먼저 넣어주고 나머지 condition들이 있을 수 있기 때문에 IfC 뒤에 넣어준다.


    7. condE

      case CondEExt(cs, e) => desugarCondE(cs, e)
      def desugarCondE(cs: List[(ExprExt, ExprExt)], e: ExprExt): ExprC = cs match {
        case Nil => desugar(e)
        case (e1, e2) :: t => IfC(desugar(e1), desugar(e2), desugarCondE(t, e))
        case _ => throw DesugarExceptionImpl("Cond") 


    condE도 multi-armed conditional인데 여기에는 else가 있다.


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