Abstract Syntax Tree (ASTs)
context-free syntax
Expr.NumExt = INT // integer literals
Expr.TrueExt = [true]
Expr.FalseExt = [false]
Expr.IdExt = ID
Expr.UnOpExt = [([UnOp] [Expr])]
Expr.BinOpExt = [([BinOp] [Expr] [Expr])]
UnOp.MIN = [-]
UnOp.NOT = [not]
UnOp.HEAD = [head]
UnOp.TAIL = [tail]
UnOp.ISNIL = [is-nil]
UnOp.ISLIST = [is-list]
BinOp.PLUS = [+]
BinOp.MULT = [*]
BinOp.MINUS = [-]
BinOp.AND = [and]
BinOp.OR = [or]
BinOp.NUMEQ = [num=]
BinOp.NUMLT = [num<]
BinOp.NUMGT = [num>]
BinOp.CONS = [cons]
Expr.IfExt = [(if [Expr] [Expr] [Expr])]
Expr.NilExt = [nil]
Expr.ListExt = [(list [Expr*])]
Expr.FdExt = [(lambda ([ID*]) [Expr])]
Expr.AppExt = [([Expr] [Expr*])]
Expr.LetExt = [(let ([LetBind+]) [Expr])]
LetBind.LetBind = [([ID] [Expr])]
Expr.RecLamExt = [(rec-lam [ID] ([ID]) [Expr])]
Expr.LetRecExt = [(letrec ([LetBind+]) [Expr])]
Example 1: Converting Paret to AST
((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 3 1)
Example 2:
((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 2)
Example 3:
((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 2)) 3)
Example 4:
(rec-lam sum (n)
(num= n 0)
(+ n (sum (- n 1)))
Example 5:
(let (
(x true)
(y false)
(and x y)
Example 6:
(lambda (n) *)
(fib 5)
Translating Functions
Example 1:
public static int increment(int a) {
return a + 1;
(lambda (a)
(+ a 1)
Example 2:
public static boolean isPositive(int num) {
if(num > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
(lambda (num)
(num> num 0)
Example 3:
public static int addTwoNumbers(int a, int b) {
if (a > 0 && b > 0) {
return a + b;
} else {
return 0;
(lambda (a b)
(and (num> a 0) (num> b 0))
(+ a b)
Example 4:
function maxOfThree(a, b, c) {
if(a >= b && a >= c) {
return a;
} else if (b >= a && b >= c) {
return b;
} else {
return c;
(lambda (a b c)
((and (or (num> a b) (num= a b)) (or (num> a c) (num= a c))) a)
((and (or (num> b a) (num= b a)) (or (num> b c) (num= b c))) b)
(else c)
→ if-else statements가 하나가 아니라 여러개이면 cond 사용
Example 5:
(lambda (a b c x)
(+ (+ (* (* a x) x) (* b x)) c)
public static int quadraticFunction(int a, int b, int c, int x) {
return a * x * x + b * x + c;
Example 6:
(lambda (cons1 cons2)
(cons (- (head cons1) (head cons2)) nil)
public static Cons headSubtract(Cons cons1, Cons cons2) {
return new Cons(cons1.head - cons2.head, null);
Translating Function Calls
Example 1:
public static int cube(int x) {
return (x * x) * x;
cube(7); // => 343
((lambda (x) (* (* x x) x)) 7)
public static int oneSixNine() {
return 13 * 13;
oneSixNine(); // => 169
(lambda ()
(* 13 13)
Example 3:
public static int arithmetics(int x, boolean flag) {
if (flag) {
return x - 3;
} else {
return 2 * x;
arithmetics(21, false); // => 42
(lambda (x flag)
(and flag true)
(- x 3)
(* 2 x)
21 false
→ Function call 하려면 outer parenthesis 만들고 거기다가 arguments 대입.
Example 4:
function helper(a) {
if (a > 3) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function doubleOrTriple(a, b) {
if(b) {
return 2 * a;
} else {
return 3 * a;
doubleOrTriple(10, helper(4)); // => 20
(lambda (a b)
(* 2 a)
(* 3 a)
10 (
(lambda (a)
(num> a 3)
Paret ↔ Java
Example 1:
(let (
(a 4)
(b 3)
(num> a b)
int a = 4;
int b = 3;
if (a > b) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Example 2:
int num1 = 13;
int fortyTwo = 42;
if (num1 < fortyTwo) {
return num1 + fortyTwo;
} else {
return fortyTwo - num1;
(let (
(num1 13)
(fortyTwo 42)
(num< num1 fortyTwo)
(+ num1 fortyTwo)
(- fortyTwo num1)
Example 3:
(let ((sheep (lambda (x y) (if (num< x y) x y)))
(bleat 3)
(baa 5)
(sheep bleat baa)
public int sheep(int x, int y) {
if (x < y) {
return x;
} else {
return y;
int bleat = 3;
int baa = 5;
sheep(bleat, baa); // => 3
Example 4:
(let ((a 41) (b 42))
(lambda (x)
(+ (+ a b) x)
int a = 41;
int b = 42;
public int helper(int x) {
return a + b + x;
helper(10); // => 93
Example 5:
(let (
(negate (lambda (input) (not input)))
(var1 true)
(var2 false)
(negate (or var1 var2))
public boolean negate(boolean input) {
return !input;
boolean var1 = true;
boolean var2 = false;
negate(var1 || var2); // => false
Example 6:
(let ((x 5))
(+ x 1)
How can you transform this let expression into a lambda with application, such that both return the same result?
(lambda (x)
(+ x 1)
Example 7:
Describe a (simple) rule which takes an arbitrary let (with one variable) and turns it into an applied lambda.
Let(LetBind(Id, Value), Body) -> App(Lambda(Id, Body), Value)
→ 즉, lambda 함수를 만들고 variable을 함수의 input으로 한다.
Example 8:
(lambda (x y)
(not (and x y))
(nand false false)
public static boolean nand(boolean x, boolean y) {
return !(x && y);
nand(false, false);
Example 1:
(x 24)
(f (lambda (y) (- y 14)))
(f x)
Step 1: Variables of let: let has two variables, x = 24 and f as a function.
Step 2: The body of the let applies the function f on x.
Step 3: Substitute the values of f and x.
((lambda (y) (- y 14)) 24)
Step 4: Replace the argument and evaluate.
(- 24 14)
Example 2:
(x y z)
(+ x (- 2 (* y z)))
(arbitraryFunction 2 3 4)
Step 1: The variable arbitraryFunction stores a function.
Step 2: The body of the let: Applies arbitraryFunction on 3 arguments, 2 3 4.
Step 3: Replace the variable arbitraryFunction with the actual body of the function
(x y z)
(+ x (- 2 (* y z)))
2 3 4
Step 4: Replace the arguments
(+ 2 (- 2 (* 3 4)))
Example 3:
(a true)
(b true)
(x y)
(and x (or (not y) y))
(booleanOps a b)
Step 1: Outermost let has two variables, a = true, b = true
Step 2: Inner let is a function.
Step 3: Replace the variables
(x y)
(and x (or (not y) y))
true true
Step 4: Substitute the parameters with its arguments
(and true (or (not true) true))
Example 4:
(lambda (a b)
(if (and (num> a 2) (num< b 12))
(square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(q 2)
(square q)
(r (lambda (y) (+ y y)))
(r a)
4 8
Step 1: It's a function that takes two parameters, a and b. The arguments are a = 4, b = 8
Step 2: if가 true이므로, 첫번째 let만 evaluate.
Step 3: 첫번째 let은 square 함수고, parameter는 q.
Step 4:
((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
Step 5: 4
Mandatory Assignment
Example 1:
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object Solution {
* Define the function lengths(xs), which returns a list of the lengths of the strings in the list xs.
* Example: if the input is List("I", "took", "a", "quick", "glimpsing", "at", "bright", "stars"),
* the output should be List(1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5).
* Hint: ListBuffer is a mutable list in Scala that allows appending elements.
* You MUST use loops and CANNOT use high-order functions.
def lengths(xs: List[String]): List[Int] = {
val buf = ListBuffer[Int]()
for (i <- 0 until xs.length) {
우선 ListBuffer [Int] 형인 ListBuffer를 만든다 (append가 가능하므로).
그리고, for-loop을 이용해서 이 리스트에 문자열 길이를 append하고 마지막에 toList를 함으로서 ListBuffer [Int]를 List [Int]로 바꿔준다.
Example 2:
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
object Solution {
* Define the function lengths(xs), which returns a list of the lengths of the strings in the list xs.
* Example: if the input is List("I", "took", "a", "quick", "glimpsing", "at", "bright", "stars"),
* the output should be List(1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5).
* You MUST use a high-order function and you CANNOT use loops.
* After you solve this exercise using high-order function, compare your solution to the one you made
* in the previous assignment using mutation and loops.
def lengths(xs: List[String]): List[Int] = {
xs.map(x => x.length)
* Define the function longWords(words), which returns the words that have more than 5 characters.
* You MUST use a high-order function and you CANNOT use loops.
def longWords(words: List[String]): List[String] = {
words.filter(_.length > 5)
* Define the function maximum(numbers), which uses foldLeft to return the highest number
* in the given list of non-negative numbers, and -1 if the list is empty.
* You MUST use a high-order function and you CANNOT use loops.
def maximum(numbers: List[Int]): Int = {
numbers.foldLeft(-1)((acc, num) => if (num > acc) num else acc)
Example 3:
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
object Solution {
* Define your own version of map! Loops are prohibited, so use recursion.
def myMap[A,B](xs: List[A], f: (A => B)): List[B] = xs match {
case Nil => throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented")
case head :: tail => throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented")
* Take a look at the takeWhile function:
* https://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/immutable/List.html#takeWhile(p:A=%3EBoolean):List[A]
* Define the function takeWhileSmallerThanFive, it should take a list and return the first n
* elements, until the next element (n+1) is greater or equal to 5.
* Use the takeWhile function!
* Loops are prohibited!
def takeWhileSmallerThanFive(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented")
* Define the function dropWhileSmallerThanFive, it should take a list and discard the first n
* elements, until the next element (n+1) is greater or equal to 5.
* Again, use one of Scala's built-in list functions.
* Loops are prohibited!
def dropWhileSmallerThanFive(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented")
* Take a look at the zip function:
* https://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/immutable/List.html#zip[B](that:scala.collection.GenIterable[B]):List[(A,B)]
* This function connects two lists by 'zipping' elements into tuples:
List(1,2,3,4).zip(List(2,4,6,8)) // = List( (1,2), (2,4), (3,6), (4,8) )
* Define zipWith. It should zip two lists, but instead of zipping elements into a tuple,
* it should use a function to combine two elements.
* Example: zipWith(List(1, 2, 3),
* List(10, 11, 12),
* (x: Int, y: Int) => x+y)
* Should return: List(11,13,15)
* Hint: use map and zip.
* Loops are prohibited!
def zipWith[A,B,C](xs: List[A], ys: List[B], f: (A, B) => C): List[C] = {
throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented")
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
object Solution {
* Define your own version of map! Loops are prohibited, so use recursion.
def myMap[A,B](xs: List[A], f: (A => B)): List[B] = xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case head :: tail => f(head) :: myMap(tail, f)
* Take a look at the takeWhile function:
* https://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/immutable/List.html#takeWhile(p:A=%3EBoolean):List[A]
* Define the function takeWhileSmallerThanFive, it should take a list and return the first n
* elements, until the next element (n+1) is greater or equal to 5.
* Use the takeWhile function!
* Loops are prohibited!
def takeWhileSmallerThanFive(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
xs.takeWhile(_ < 5)
* Define the function dropWhileSmallerThanFive, it should take a list and discard the first n
* elements, until the next element (n+1) is greater or equal to 5.
* Again, use one of Scala's built-in list functions.
* Loops are prohibited!
def dropWhileSmallerThanFive(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
xs.dropWhile(_ < 5)
* Take a look at the zip function:
* https://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/immutable/List.html#zip[B](that:scala.collection.GenIterable[B]):List[(A,B)]
* This function connects two lists by 'zipping' elements into tuples:
List(1,2,3,4).zip(List(2,4,6,8)) // = List( (1,2), (2,4), (3,6), (4,8) )
* Define zipWith. It should zip two lists, but instead of zipping elements into a tuple,
* it should use a function to combine two elements.
* Example: zipWith(List(1, 2, 3),
* List(10, 11, 12),
* (x: Int, y: Int) => x+y)
* Should return: List(11,13,15)
* Hint: use map and zip.
* Loops are prohibited!
def zipWith[A,B,C](xs: List[A], ys: List[B], f: (A, B) => C): List[C] = {
val zipped = xs.zip(ys)
zipped.map{ case (a, b) => f(a, b)}
기본 Higher-Order Functions
map(f): Returns a new list where the function f has been applied to all elements of the list.
Example: List(1, 2, 3).map(_ + 1) returns List(2, 3, 4).
filter(p): Returns a new list, with only the elements that satisfy the predicate p.
Example: List(1, 2, 3).filter(_ > 2) returns List(3).
foldLeft(start)(f): Combines all elements into one return value. It first applies the function f to the start value and the first element of the list, the applies f to the result of that and the second element of the list, and so on. This function goes from left to right through the list.
Example: List(3, 5, 7).fold(0)(_ + _) returns the sum of the list: 15. (It first calculates 0 + 3 = 3, then 3 + 5 = 8, then 8 + 7 = 15.)
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