HCI is the study and the practice of usability.
It is about understanding and creating software and other technology that people will want to use, will be able to use, and will find effective when used.
HCI is the study of how people use computer systems to perform certain tasks.
HCI is a multidisciplinary field. e.g. Computer science, Human factors engineering, Cognitive science
Machine and people centered views
Scrutable Anonymous Systems
PACT - Pilot Autonomy Control of Task
Charting a level of autonomy in human machine interaction. Level 0 - all done by human and level 5 where computer does everything/
ㅎㅕㄴ재는 4a - 5a 가 많다
HCI - Ensuring usabiliity
A usable software system is one that supports the effective and efficient completion of tasks in a given work context.
Benefits of more usable software systems to business users include:
- Increased productivity
- Decreased user training time and cost
- Decreased user erros
- Increased accuracy of data input and data interpretation
- Decreased need for ongoing technical support (if the system is good, no need for too much support)
Usability is relevant to
- regular ongoing use, to enable users to achieve their goals effectively, efficiently and with satisfaction
- learning, to enable new users to become effective, efficient and satisfied when starting to use a system, product or service
- infrequent use, to enable users to be effective, efficient and satisfied, with the system on each reuse
- use by people with the widest range of capabilities
- minimizing the risk and the undesirable consequences of use errors;
- maintenance, in that it enables maintenance tasks to be completed effectively, efficiently and with satisfaction
User expereince: person's perceptions and responses resulting from the use and or anticipated use of a product, system or service
Human-Computer Interaction
To achieve usability, the design of the user intercace to any interactive product, needs to take into account and be tailored around a number of factors:
- Cognitive, pereptual, and motor capabilities and constraints of people in general (no single solution that fits all the users)
- Special and unique characteristics of the intended user population in particular
- Unique characteristics of the users' physical and social work environment
- Unique characteristics and requirements of the users' tasks, which are being supported by the software
- Unique capabilities and constraints of the chosen software and/or hardware and platorm for the product
PACT Framework
People - designers need to understand which people are going to use the product
Activities - designers need to know what activities the usres will do
PACT allows you to think about design situations in all of perspectives, user
Cyclic process - trying to design solutions that satisfy the requirements. you can think of technology that will fulfill the requirements, and at the same time as the result of these technologies, you might find that they creat new opportunities to complete the activities in a different way.
WHo you are designing for
Information that people might be dealing with, e.g. visual,
Information stored in memory
사람마다 기억력이 다르기 때문에
Information processed and applied
사람마다 논리력이나 problem solving이 다르기 때문에
Emotion infleuces human capabilities
Each person is different
Users, user classes, and personas
- Identify your users (who they are, direct or indirect users,
- Idnetify relevant characteristis (age, domain experience, computer experience, ...)
- Identify user classes
- Draw out implications of user characterisitcs
- Represent key users as personas
Expert userrs with detailed knowledge of that particular system
Occasional users who know well how to perofrm hte tasks they ened to perform frequirently
Novices who have never used the system before
Identifying user classes
- subset of the total population of end uers who are similar in terms of their system usage and relevant personal characteristics
Why user classes
they may need
- differrent sets of functions,
differnet interacte style
different help material...
for core user classes, describe a specific individual who might be central to that class
Define - gender ,age, personality, background, hobbies, work role, ...
Assign name and graphic
During design process of the new system/service, refer to the personas
Continue this into evaluation stage
What is the main purpose of the activity?
Task analysis
Task - set structured set of activites that are required to achieve a goal using a specific technology
Task analysis: method of analysing people's jobs/work
Task decomposition
- describe the actions people do
- structure them within task-subtask hierarchy
- describe ordering constraints of subtasks
Generating the hierarchy
- Get list of tasks
- Group takss into higher level tasks
- Aim for 4-8 taks
Uses of Task Analysis
Requirements capture and system designs:
- lifts focus from system to use
- suggests candidates for automation
- uncovers user's conceptual model
Detailed interface design:
- hierarchy suggests menu layout
- task frequency guides default choices
- existing task sequences guide dialogue design
Three useful types of distinguishable contexts;
- physical environment (ATM displays even when the sun is shining, make it readable)
- social context
- organizational context (different organizations may use different technologies)
E.g. work, holiday
Use contexts to make scenarios
A scenario is a brief story that describes: how and why the persona would use the product to complete a specific task in a specific context
Tasks and scenarios should not contain information about the user-interface
So, same task anlysis cna be used for different types of interfaces (e.g. PC, web, mobile, touch screen...)
Visibility and Affordance
Visibility - what is seen
Affordance - what operations and manipulation can be done to a particular object
When will this informaton be used
1. Defining user requirements
2. Designing the user interface
3. Evaluating the interface/system
4. Desiging help/manuals
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