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Lecture 9: Negotiation Formalization

by Hongwoo 2024. 3. 27.



    Social Welfare (Fairness)

    Simple notion of social welfare: 


    → That maximizes the sum of all


    Egalitarian point (aka Rawls Point):

    → maximize the minimum utility from the whole population.


    Utilitarian Point (aka Kalai-Smorodinsky Point):

    → closest point to the r_eq (대각선)



    When no equality utility solution exists

    Only three possible outcomes, and no one likes outcome B. (A and C are optimal frontier, but only B is fair --> either only one person wins).




    Validity and Added value: The added value of using AI techniques highly depends on the quality/validity of the model:

    → Weak model → weak support by the technique

    → Faulty model → faulty advice

    Transparency: Model should be transparent for the user of technique

    - Trust

    - Understanding the advice




    Domain Model

    For the negotiations, we need a set of issues X, and for each issue x ∈ X a set of values for each of those: V(x)

    For each stakeholder, we need a preference profile for this domain

    도메인 모델: 특정 문제와 관련된 모든 주제의 개념 모델



    Domain Modelling

    Domain modelling is difficult for humans (경험, 지식 등이 없어서)

    시험에 Construct and explain a domain model for the following domain.




    Given a finite set of issues X, and i and j ∈ X and sets of values for each of those issues: V(i), V(j)

    Stakeholders have preferences over the values per issue and over combinations (bids) of values for a range of issues, expressed by a preference relation <p

    Suppose a, b ∈ V(i), for some issue i, then a <p b expresses that the stakeholder prefers b over a.


    Preference Independence: A set of attributes Y ⊂ X is preferentially independent of its complement X - Y when the preference order over outcomes with varying values of attributes in Y does not change when the attributes of X - Y are fixed to any value.

    Independence allows for linear additive utility functions.






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