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Lecture 11: Ethics of CAI: Values and Norms

by Hongwoo 2024. 4. 8.


    What is Ethics?

    The field of ethics involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior.

    Ethical dilemmas are scenarios where there is no obviously good choice.




    Values: What is important to us in life


    Features of values:

    - Priorities guide Actions

    - Beliefs linked to Affect (e.g. emotions)

    - Refer to Goals

    - Transcend Contexts (values span more than 1 context)

    - Standards of criteria

    - Ordered by Importance



    Preferences: Values vs Interests

    preference means a more positive attitude (leaning) toward one alternative over another alternative


    Preferences over values vs Preferences over interests:

    - An interest is manifested as sustained attention involving cognition of the interest object, accompanying positive impact

    - A value is manifested as affective valuation

    - Both values and interests influence behavior

    - When judgement in preference is based on liking (i.e. attraction), it is an interest; when the basis is importance (i.e. significance or meaning), the preference is a value



    Value-Sensitive Design (VSD)

    VSD methods are not standalone but are intended to be integrated with other methods and processes for technical design and development

    Focus: Value identification, value preference elicitation (want to elicit value for each stakeholder)



    Value Identification

    Use an existing model of values

    E.g. Schwartz Value Model - 10 universal values


    Not all values are relevant to all contexts: Context-Specific Values

    The meaning of a value depends on the context



    Value Identification:

    We need to identify and define values in a context: context-specific values

    We use Axies, a hybrid methodology for identifying context-specific values.

    To be effective for collaborative agents, the methodology needs to be:

    - Democratic → Based on population input

    - Hybrid → AI + human intuition

    - Unbiased → Performed by a group of annotators

    - Simple → On a web platform



    Axies Overview



    Start with value-laden opinion corpus. (No labels)


    - involves value annotators (people who can abstract opinions into values)

    Exploration: look at different opinions, see which value is applicable to the context

    Consolidation: Put them together, ouput a list of values applicable


    AI in Axies: help value annotators to efficeintly explore what's in the corpus 



    Axies input - Word Embeddings

    The input of the methodology is population feedback on a context (e.g. tweets).

    Words and sentences are represented as points in a n-dimensional space where semantic similarities are preserved.



    Axies Methodology - Exploration

    In the exploration phase, each annotator independently develops a value list by analyzing the population input.

    All input is embedded through sentence embeddings, the next opinion shown to the annotator is selected with the Farthest First Traversal algorithm:

    - Start with a random sample.

    - Measure distances with other samples to distance sample and choose the one with largest distance.

    Then again, find distances with other samples 

    → Try to explore the space 

    → Even only small samples, cover large areas


    Given as the set of visited points and N the set of novel points, FFT selects the next point as follows:

    5 and 11, so it's assigned to the 5.



    Axies Methodology - Consolidation (굳히다)

    In the consolidation phase, the annotators in a group collaborate to merge their individual value lists


    How to know if I know we covered large proportion of compass: 새로운 anotated value들이 안 생길 때까



    Example of Values Identified by Axies

    We compare the values we elicited (values identifeid by the annotators) with the Schwarz (x axis).

    For self-direction, it can be identified to many values for this specific context (need more fine-grained vocabulary for the context).



    Value Elicitation

    The result of Axies is a list of values relevant to a context.

    A concrete application is the elicitation of value preferences through natural language.

    Estimating values from natural language allows:

    - Humans to express values naturally

    - Agents to have meaningful conservations with us

    - Agents to learn a user's value profile by aggregating values estimated from sentences



    Value Classification

    We can treat value classification as a supervised classification. 

    We need:

    - Labelling schema → Output of Axies

    - Data → Tweets, surveys, etc

    - Labels → Crowd annotations


    Then we can just perform a regular supervised classification → Wrong



    Label Subjectivity

    The subjectivity of the interpretation of values must be considered, especially in collaborative settings.

    Textual inputs must be annotated by multiple annotators.

    Then, we select the majority annotation to perform supervised classification. → Wrong


    That would result in the tyranny of the majority.

    We must consider a plurality of opinions, so we must build uncertainty in the model.



    Data Representation

    Example: three annotators have annotated one datapoint:

    A1: [0, 1, 0, 0]

    A2: [0, 1, 1, 0]

    A3: [0, 0, 0, 1]


    Examples of data representation are:

    - Majority agreement aggregation: [0, 1, 0, 0]

    - Repeated lables: [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]

    - Distribution of labels: [0, 0.66, 0.33, 0.33]



    Evaluation of Supervised Classifiers

    Supervised classifiers are typically evaluated with the F1 score, assuming that a prediction is either correct or wrong.


    P = Precision

    R = Recall



    Evaluation Metrics

    Examples of evaluation metrics are:

    - Accuracy and (class-weighted) F1 score

    - Disagreement-weighted F1 score (items with a lot of disagreement are weighted less than "easy" items)

    - Cross-entropy (to compare annotated and predicted distributions of labels)




    Artificial agents must understand values operate among humans

    Values represent what humans find important in life

    Values are subjective and context dependent

    Values can be identified and elicited via systematic AI (NLP) techniques




    Social Norms

    A social norm is a directed social expectation between principals (stakeholders)


    Formal representation: Norm_Type(Subject, Object, Antecedent, Consequent)

    Subject and Object: The two principals involved in the norm

    Antecedent: The condition that brings a norm into force

    Consequent: The outcome determining the satisfaction or violation of a norm



    Why social norms?

    Accountability - A principal can call another to account for its actions

    Flexibility - A principal can violate norms (but bears the consequences)

    Explainability - Provides an opportunity for principals to explain their actions



    Types of social norms


    The norm type defines the semantics of expectations underlying a norm



    Types of Norms: Commitment (전념, 헌신)

    Within an organizational context,

    the subject (i.e. debtor) commits to the object (i.e. creditor) that if the antecedent holds, the debtor will bring about the consequent

    E.g in e-commerce STS:

    A seller must send the goods to a buyer upon payment


    Norm: Commitment(Seller, Buyer, Payment, Goods)



    Types of Norms: Prohibition

    Within an organizational context,

    The object prohibits the subject from bringing about the consequent provided the antecedent holds

    E.g. in a healthcare STS:

    Patient's personal health information (PHI) should not be published online under any circumstances


    Norm: Prohibition(Hospital, Patient, TRUE, Publish_PHI_Online)



    Types of Norms: Authorization

    Within an organizational context,

    The object authorizes (permits) the subject to bring about the consequent when the antecedent holds

    E.g. in a healthcare STS:

    In emergencies, hospital physicians may share a patient's PHI with outside physicians


    Norm: Authorization(Hospital, Patient, Emergency, Share_PHI_Outside)



    Types of Norms: Power

    Within an organizational context,

    when the antecedent holds, the object empowers the subject to bring about the consequent at will

    Example in a university STS:

    The university empowers the system administer to create accounts


    Norm: Power(System_Admin, University, TRUE, Create_Account)



    Types of Norms: Sanction

    Within an organizational context,

    The object would sanction (i.e. reward or punish) the subject by bringing about the consequent provided the antecedent holds

    Example in an e-commerce STS:

    A buyer can saction a seller by providing a poor rating if the product received is not as advertised


    Norm: Sanction(Seller, Buyer, Product_Damaged, Poor_Rating)



    Responsible Design of Collaborative AI System


    - What does a user find as important in a system?

    - General vs Context-specific values

    - Axies: A methodology for identifying context-specific values



    - What are the mutual expectations among the users in the system?

    - Norms help capture the mutual expectations

    - Norms must be modeled as technical constructs so that agents representing human users can act in accordance with the applicable norms




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