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Lecture 7-8: Mutation and State

by Hongwoo 2024. 4. 1.


    Learning Objectives

    - Explain how pointers work and how memory can be interpreted in different ways

    - Explain the differences between pass-by-reference and pass-by-value

    - Explain the differences between pure and impure languages

    - Understand the concept of stores and as an model for memory

    - Explain different methods to solve the problem of garbage

    - Implement a definitional interpreter with support for mutation using stores



    Fixed-Point Combinators

    Fixed-point combinators allow for recursive definitions (when there is no direct support for recursion)

    Fixed-point combinators apply tricks similar to "self"


    A fixed-point combinator  is a higher-order function (i.e. a function which takes a function as argument) that returns some fixed point (a value that is mapped to itself) of its argument function.



    Z Combinator


    This is a function that calculates the factorial of a number.

    If you apply it to a function, then it wil ltake the function, put it infront and give us the first argument again and z combinator applied to the function.

    Keep putting function at the front and give it as a input the z combinator again

    The purpose of the Z combinator is to take a function f and return its fixed point, that is, a value x such that f(x)=x.




    We first put P into the Z combinator and then we call recursive function with the value of 3.



    (Z P)를 f에 대입. 그리고 x에 3을 대입.




    Z combinator is a lazy Y combinator by delaying evaluation through wrapping things in functions.



    State Encapsulation

    Functions Encapsulate State


    When not using objects for counter, these methods can only increment, and not reset.

    Multiple functions with function "objects":

    - List of functions

    - A function with an argument that determines the function


    Javascript에서는 list of function을 반환시키는 방식으로 구현할 수 있다.






    Variables in Paret

    (set  n  e)

    Lookup n in the environment

    Then evaluate e to a value v

    Set the value of n to v

    Return v



    ==> NumV(2)



    Sequential Composition 

    (seq  e1  e2)

    First evaluate e1 to a value, then evaluate e2 to a value

    Return the result of evaluating e2

    Seq is sequential composition: do one thing and do another thing


    Difference between let and set => you cannot change the variable that has not been defined

    let = definition, set = modifying existing variable



    How to define this:


    How to use counters:

    → ((head c)) : 괄호 두개인 이유: call (head c). 마찬가지로 ( (head   (tail  c) ) )인 이유도: call (head  (tail  c))






    0 is returned, not 1 because of pass by value.

    Pass by value: we are passing a copy of the value, so we create a new variable n with the same value as i, so i remains unchanged.

    → Pass by reference





    C is pass-by-value

    When you pass something to a function, a copy is made



    Java is pass-by-reference (except for primitives)

    Behind the scenes, java is passing pointers




    Boxes: memory locations as first-class values

    Boxes represent the concept of a pointer into mutable memory found in many programming languages

    Boxes allow for pass-by-reference behavior

    Boxes behave as objects (with getters and setters in Java)


    (box  0)

    Allocate a box (memory location), store 0 in that location and return a pointer to the location


    (setbox  e  1)  → setter

    Evaluate e to a box (memory location pointer), store 1 in the location pointed to and return the value of 1


    (unbox  e)  → getter

    Evaluate e to a box (memory location pointer), look up the value stored at that location and return the value



    Implementing Counter



    Box 사용한 방식:






    Recursion with Boxes

    Recursion is the act of self-reference.


    Cyclic datum: store cell that refers to itself


    → Construct a box b with value 0.

    → Set b to be itself and call getter on it as much as we want because it's going to return itself


    Cyclic function: 


    Use the self-referential function trick to define letrec, i.e. recursive let bindings





    Letrec bindings can refer to themselves → proper recursion support

    Letrec bindings can refer to each other, like methods in Java

    Letrec allows for forward referencing


    Let → crashes (x does not resolve)

    Letrec → 1




    Letrec General Implementation Plan

    Implement as syntactic sugar

    Add all names to environment with some dummy value

    → Closures need to use this environment

    Then update values to their real values




    Mutable Environments

    If we replace binding with a new binding in an environment, no mutation effect



    Updating the Environment


    - Easy to make mistakes with mutable case classes

    - var 사용하는거는 our definitional interpreter relies on the working objects in Scala

    - Hard to derive the correct meaning for our language from that


    → Use Stores




    Rather than putting values directly in the environment, we put memory locations

    Environment with pointers to cells in the store






    We need to interpret e to get a new store, and look up the location in the environment and we need to update our store with our location being the new value.





    Letrec using Mutable Environments

    Letrec Implementation

    Add all names to environment with some dummy value

    - Closures need to use this environment

    Then update values to their real values


    여기서 Undefined = dummy value



    Side Effects

    We have to care about order because we may get different results due to stores?


    Pure Language

    Impure Language



    Memory Management

    Garbage includes data (...) which will not be used in any future computation by the system, or by a program running on it.



    C: Do it Yourself (Programmer deals with memory)


    Forget to clean up? → Memory leak

    Cleaned up too soon? → Crash / Garbage values

    Cleaned up twice? → Random bugs elsewhere in your code



    Java: Garbage Collection

    Clean it up automatically

    Different strategies/approaches


    Detection Strategies for Unreferenced Memory

    Reference Counting

    Each memory cell is associated with a counter indicating who is referecing that cell.

    When counter is 0, the cell can be garbage-collected.


    Pro: Simple

    Con: Expensive: reference counters take up memory, memory updates need to update reference counts




    Once in a while, the entire store is traversed, starting from an initial set of "live" pointers.

    Traversal only follows live pointers, and marks each pointer being traversed.

    At the end, unmarked memory is garbage collected.


    Pro: Relatively simple, no memory overhead, no memory update pentaly

    Con: Expensive to traverse entire store



    Rust: Ownership

    Everything has an owner

    Ownership can be moved

    Things can be borrowed

    Owner out of scope → Everything cleaned up


    Rust: Moving


    Example 1:

    You create a boxed integer a using Box::new(5). This allocates memory and a becomes the owner of that memory. When you subsequently assign a to b (let b = a;), Rust performs a move operation. A move in Rust transfers ownership from one variable to another. After the move, b becomes the new owner of the boxed integer, and a is no longer valid for use. When you try to access a after the move, Rust detects that a no longer owns the box and prevents you from using it.


    Example 2:

    You create a boxed integer a with the value 5. You call the function foo and pass a as an argument. This passes ownership of the box from main to foo. Inside foo, the box a becomes the owner of the boxed integer. When foo returns, the box a goes out of scope and gets destroyed. This is because foo owns the box within its scope, and ownership transfers back to main once foo finishes executing. After foo returns, you try to access a again in main, but it's no longer valid because it doesn't own the box anymore. 



    Rust: Borrowing


    You create a boxed integer a containing the value 5. Then you pass a reference to a (&a) to the function foo. The foo function takes a reference to an i32 (&i32) as its argument. This means it's borrowing the value rather than taking ownership of it. When you call foo(&a), you're passing a reference to the boxed integer a. This allows foo to access the value stored in the box without taking ownership of it. Inside foo, you have access to the value of a via the reference a. However, since foo only borrows a, it cannot modify or deallocate a. This ensures that a remains valid and unchanged after the function call. After the call to foo, you try to use a again in main. Since foo only borrowed a and didn't take ownership of it, a is still valid and accessible in main. 


    Rust: Ownership

    - Always a single owner

    - Borrowing allows others

    - Borrow of deleted value is compile error

    Compiler guarantees absence of memory leaks






