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CPL 4: Mutation and State

by Hongwoo 2024. 4. 5.
case LetRecExt(binds, body) => {
  val newBody = binds.reverse.foldLeft(desugar(body)) {
    case (accBody, bind) => SeqC(SetC(bind.name, desugar(bind.value)), accBody)
  AppC(FdC(binds.map(_.name), newBody), binds.map(bind => UninitializedC()))


case IdC(c) => {
  val loc = lookup(c, nv)
  val value = fetch(loc, st1)
  (value, st1)

case AppC(f, args) => interp(f, nv, st1) match {
  case (PointerClosV(FdC(params, body), closureEnv), fst) => {
    if (params.length != args.length) throw new InterpE("")

    val (values, initialStore) = args.foldLeft((List[Value](), fst)) {
      case ((v, st), arg) => {
        val (value, updatedStore) = interp(arg, nv, st)
        (v :+ value, updatedStore)

    val (newEnv, finalStore) = createBind(params, values, closureEnv, initialStore)
    interp(body, newEnv, finalStore)
  case _ => throw new InterpE("")

case BoxC(v) => {
  val (value, st2) = interp(v, nv, st1)
  val loc = newLoc(st2)
  val newStore = addCell(Cell(loc, value), st2)
  (BoxV(loc), newStore)

case UnboxC(b) => interp(b, nv, st1) match {
  case (BoxV(loc), st) => (fetch(loc, st), st) 
  case _ => throw new InterpE("")

case SetboxC(b, v) => interp(b, nv, st1) match {
  case (BoxV(loc), st) => {
    val (value, st2) = interp(v, nv, st)
    val newStore = update(loc, value, st2)
    (value, newStore)

  case _ => throw new InterpE("")

    case SetC(v, b) => {
      val loc = lookup(v, nv)
      val (value, st2) = interp(b, nv, st1)
      val newStore = update(loc, value, st2)
      (value, newStore)

case SeqC(b1, b2) => interp(b1, nv, st1) match {
  case (v, st2) => interp(b2, nv, st2)
  case _ => throw new InterpE("")



  def createBind(names: List[String], values: List[Value], nv: PointerEnvironment, st: Store) : (PointerEnvironment, Store) = (names, values) match {
    case (n :: ns, v :: vs) => {
      val loc = newLoc(st)
      val newEnv = Pointer(n, loc) :: nv
      val updatedStore = addCell(Cell(loc, v), st)
      createBind(ns, vs, newEnv, updatedStore)
    case (Nil, Nil) => (nv, st)
    case _ => throw new InterpE("")

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