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전체 글376

Lecture 7 pt1 : Database Security 목차 Database Driven Websites There is a web application running. The server processes the user input and access the databasse with the input. Student data stored into database Access to database mediated by server Handling Input in a Database Databases organize data A database management system (DBMS) is the system responsible for managing the data and handling the interaction with the user (데이터베.. 2024. 3. 18.
Lecture 7: Computational Coalition Formation 목차 What is an Agent? - Intelligent entity that is situated in an environment and can perceive the environment. Agent has goals and a list of available actions and act autonomously to satisfy goals and is social. 가상공간에 위치 하여 특별한 응용 프로그램을 통해 사용자를 도울 목적으로 반복 작업을 자동으로 처리하는 컴퓨터 프로그램 Example: the Prisoner's Dilemma - 두 명의 에이전트가 있고 범죄를 질렀다. - 법원은 증거가 없어서 경범죄만 우선 적용됐다. (감방 1년씩) - 만약에 한명만 자백하면 바로 나가고, 나머.. 2024. 3. 6.
Lecture 4: Envisionment & Design 목차 Envisionment (상상적 이미지) Making ideas visible by externalizing thoughts. - Stories / scenarios - Presentations - Sketches / formal models - Software prototypes - Cardboard models What is design? Design is both the process of envisioning a solution to a problem under constraints and the representations of the product that are produced during the design process, i.e. the physical process of captu.. 2024. 3. 5.
Lecture 3: User Experience & Accessibility To be written 2024. 3. 5.
Lecture 6: OS - Level Security 목차 Learning Objectives - Understand what is access control - Be able to explain how OSs enforce access control - Reason about pros/cons of different access control mechanisms and policies What is an Operating System (OS)? An operating system provides a useful way to interface with the hardware Hardware resources are accessed through abstractions provided by the OS (e.g. CPU, Memory, Files, Netwo.. 2024. 3. 3.
Lecture 5: Internet security 목차 Internet Security Phishing Phishing: attack that attempts to steal your money, or your identity, by getting you to reveal personal information on websites that pretend to be legitimate. Protocols Internet Protocols are a set of rules that governs the communication and exchange of data over the internet. Both the sender and receiver should follow the same protocols to communicate. Many protoco.. 2024. 3. 3.
Lecture 4: Firewalls and Intrusion detection 목차 Firewall In Computing, a firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. A firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted network and an untrusted network, such as the Internet. Firewalls divide the untrusted outside of a network from the more trusted interior of a network. The importance.. 2024. 3. 3.
Lecture 3: Denial of Service and Botnets 목차 Attacks on Availability in the OSI Model Availability can be attacked on every layer ofthe model. The best-known attack is a DDoS attack, overwhelming a system with a lot of traffic. Background - Network layer IP datagrams can be exchanged between any two nodes (provided they both have an IP address) The server determines who sent the packet based on the Source IP. IP 스푸핑이란 IP (Internet Proto.. 2024. 3. 3.