Malware (악성 소프트웨어)
Malware: Software that is inserted into a system, with the intent of compromising the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the victim's data, applications or operating system or otherwise annoying or disrupting the victim.
Types: Viruses, Rootkits, Ransomware, Backdoors, etc
Classifying Malware
Infection Vector
Infection vector: the method by which a computer virus spreads
The type of vulnerability the malware exploits to infect a host (software vulnerability, download, design flaw, ...)
The method malware uses to propagate (Disks, USB, network, website, ad, ...)
→ 다른 곳으로도 전파 가능
The actions malware takes after infecting
- DDoS, encrypting disk, stealing data, backdoor, ...
Malware Infection Vectors & Propagation
Malware Infection Vectors
Compromised legitimate websites
- Theft of credentials
- Malicious downloads mobile apps
- Exfiltration of personal information
- Invasive ads
IoT Devices
- Rarely patched
- Provide access to private networks of homes and offices
Email through phishing or spamming
- Include malicous links or attachments
- Tricks users to send money or reveal passwords with social engineering
- Mass distribution or target to specific users
Installed by user:
유저의 의해서 설치된 경우 (앱에 악성 소프트웨어가 숨어 있을 수도 있음)
유저 몰래 설치 됐을 수도 있음 (아니면 잘못 설치)
Receiving a malicious executable or link over email
- A malicious executable as an attachment (usually compressed for evading detection and reducing file size)
- A link to a website serving malicious executables
- Attachment has non-executable extension (e.g. gif), but will be executed when opened.
- Two file extensions are used, and system hides known extensions e.g. image.gif.exe
- Emails with hidden URLs
In all these cases, the malware is the application or embedded in the application.
Users initiate download and execution of the malware
Drive by Download
1. User visits a website
2. The website exploits a vulnerability in the browser
3. The compromised browser downloads and installs malware
No interaction is required beyond visiting the website, so it's called drive-by
The visited domain does not have to be malicious e.g. may include a malicious ad, or 3rd party content
Exploited vulnerabilities:
- Memory corruptions vulnerabilities in browser or other native-code component (e.g. Flash)
- Plugins that execute code over the network (e.g. ActiveX)
Exploits Delivered Over Email
Email includes document carrying exploit e.g. PDF, doc
The document exploits a vulnerability in the application used to open it
Or it can include malicious interpreted code e.g. scripts, macros
1. Email includes malicious document
2. The user opens the attachment
3. Attachment exploits a vulnerability in the applications used
4. The compromised application downloads and installs malware
Exploits Against Servers
1. Connect to server port
2. Exploit server vulnerability
3. The compromised server downloads and installs malware
Virus & Worm
- Attaches itself to executable files and transfers from one system to the other
- Human-assisted propagation
- Slow spreading (needs to be attached to another application to spread itself e.g. email client)
- Malicious standalone program that replicates itself and can spread to different machines, usually via the network
- Automatic propagation (exploit vulnerabilities in client/server programs and actively seeking out vulnerable hosts to infect)
- Fast spreading due to automatic propagation
Worms: Network Target Topology
Generate random IP addresses and probe them
Local subnet
subnet: 거대한 네트워크를 구성하는 소규모 지역 네트워크들
First scan the local subnet for target
- Bypasses network-periphery defenses
- Faster than random
Compile a long list of potentially vulnerable machines
Parts of the list are distributed to "siblings" of the worm
Learn new targets from infected hosts
A rootkit modifies the operating system to hide its existence e.g. modifies file system exploration utilieis like cd
- Hard to detect using software that relies on the OS itself
Rootkit Revealer for Windows:
- Two scans of file system
1. High-level scan using the Windows API
2. Raw scan using disk access methods
Discrepancy reveals presence of rootkits
Ransomware encrypts a victim's data (local hard-disk, or networked file-system)
Attacker requests a ransom in exchange for the decryption key
e.g. Wannacry Ransomware Worm
A backdoor is a program that allows intruders to bypass normal security controls on a system, gaining access on intruder's own terms.
Malware Detection
Detects specific malicious signatures
Often uses fast pattern matching techniques
- False negative (거짓 음성: 비정상을 정상으로 판단)
- Signature Evasion
Detects anomalies on a normal system/network activity
Often uses machine learning
- False positives (거짓 양성: 정상을 비정상으로 판단)
- Legitimate behavior could not be standard
High Cost of Errors
False Positives require expensive analysis time
False Negatives (거짓 음성: 비정상을 정상으로 판단) can be catastrophic
Scan compares the analyzed object with a database of signatures
A signature is a virus fingerprint e.g. a string with a sequence of instructions specific for each virus
- Different from a digital signature
A file is infected if there is a signature inside its code
- Fast pattern matching techniques to search for signatures
All the signatures together create the malware database
Heuristic Analysis
Useful to identify known and unknown malware
Code analysis: based on the instructions, the anti-malware can determine whether the program is malicious or not, e.g. program contains instructions to delete system files
Execution emulation (sandbox):
- Run code in isolated emulation environment
- Monitor actions that target file takes
- If the actions are harmful, mark as virus
Heuristic methods can trigger false alarms
A suspicious file can be isolated in a folder or database called quarantine
- E.g. if the result of the heuristic analysis is positive and you are waiting for updates of the signatures
The suspicious file is not deleted but made harmless: the user can decide when to remove it or eventually restore it in case of a false positive
- Interacting with a file in quarantine is possible only through the antimalware program
A file in quarantine is often stored encrypted to prevent its execution
Static vs Dynamic Analysis
Static Analysis
Check the code without execution
Filtering: scan with different antimalware and check if they return same result with different name
Weeding: remove the correct part of files as junk to better identify the virus
Code analysis: check binary code to understand if it is an executable
Dynamic Analysis
Check the execution of codes inside a virtual sandbox
- file changes
- registry changes
- processes and threads
- network ports
Responsible Disclosure
What to do if discovers a vulnerability in software: report → responsible disclosure
Companies have bug bounty programs in place to encourage responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities
Disclosure deadlines: amount of time researchers give companies to patch vulnerabilities before disclosure
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