Memory Errors
Memory errors are software bugs in the way we handle memory in memory unsafe languages like C/C++.
When a memory error occurs a program accesses memory that it should not; this is termed violating memory safety.
When a memory error occurs, it leads to either program to crash or to strange program behavior.
All types of memory errors can be potentially exploited by attackers.
Common memory errors: Heap/stack over/under flows
Buffer Overflows
Writing outside the boundaries of a buffer : spatial violation
Buffer overflows due to wrong input checks, unchecked buffer size, integer overflows/underflows
Stack Buffer Overflow Example:
In C, a string is just a buffer of chars; a null character '\0' marks the end of the string.
If the string is bigger than the buffer → Stack Buffer Overflow
all memory parts without stack and heap have fixed size, and the size of stack of heap grow during the program.
Buffer overflows can happen when calling common string and buffer functions.
But not limited to those functions
E.g. read(), fread(), gets(), fgets(), etc
Custom data copying code can also suffer
String copy function.
The problem: if the source buffer is larger than the destination buffer → buffer overflow
Buffer Underflows
Writing outside the boundaries of a buffer → spatial violation
Common programmer errors that lead to it:
- Insufficient input checks
- Unchecked buffer size
- Integer overflows/underflows
Less common than buffer overflows
Tries to copy src buffer to the destination buffer, but we start copying from the opposite
If the src string is larger than dst string, we end up with buffer underflow
Off-by-One Variation
Writing outside the boundaries of a buffer by one byte → spatial violation
dp = dst + dst_size - 1
Off by one buffer overflow
Write → over/under-write → corrupt neighboring memory areas
Read → over/under-read → leak data from neighboring memory areas
Are These Vulnerabilities
If user can trigger them → Yes
Effects of over/under-writes:
- Crash the appliocation (DoS)
- Take over the application (remote code execution, arbitrary code execution) → attacker can manipulate the applicationt
- Corrupt application state (e.g. is_admin variable that lets the user to connect to the program)
Effects of over/under-read:
- Leak sensitive data
Code Injection
Actions that lead to buffer overflow
gets(buf) functon is insecure and can lead to buffer overflows
Overwrite the stack and inject code to the buf
Rewrite the return address of the function and execute the code just injected
When the main function ends, instead of terminating, it executes "bin/sh"
How to learn buf's address?
We assume an almost fixed memory layout (attacker can infer buffer's location easily)
Writable and Executable Memory
Code injection is possible because there is a memory area that is both writable and executable
Can be eliminated if we introduce the W^X Policy:
The Write XOR Execute (W^X) policy mandates that in a program there are no memory pages that are both writable and executable
The Memory Management Unit (MMU) - Paging
Used in all modern servers, laptops, and smart phones
When CPU tries to do instruction that attacks memory, it goes through the MMU which enforces permission on the page level which prevent code injections
Page Permissions
If memory is writable, it should not be executable
- Does not allow stack to be executed
- Cannot execute injected code
But we can reuse code present in the executable instead
Code Reuse (Return-to-libc)
After the attacker cannot inject code, try return-to-libc
- Overwrite the return address with the pointer
Call the system function controlled by the attacker
How to learn system's address?
We assume an almost fied memory layout -> the attacker can easily find the system's address and exploit
Code Reuse (Gadgets)
Instead of functions , we can overwrite the stack with return address to the pointer to the gadgets
call gadgets which do some computation
Fixed Process Layout
The programs we have exploited (this far) have a fixed memory layout
- Data segments start at the same address
- Binary is loaded at the same address
- Shared libraries are loaded at the same address
One Attack Fits All
Fixed process layout → facilitates exploit development
Attacker can statically discover:
- the location of their data
- the location of code (e.g. functions, gadgets)
An exploit developed on one system will work on all other systems running the same software
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
Ideal version → when starting up a process, randomly pick the base address where each data and code segment will be loaded.
Introduce uncertainty for the attacker → need to guess the location of code and thier data
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Base addresses are randomly selected from within predtermined ranges
Libraries are loaded in the gaps (usually between the stack and the heap)
No ASLR - Fixed memory layout
With ASLR - the stack frames are slightly moved
Most OSs support ASLR
Randomization is prone to information disclosure attacks
First, exploit some vulnerabilities to learn the memory layout and then (usually) exploit other vulnerabilities to complete your attack, e.g. code reuse.
Information Disclosure Attack: Heartbleed (buffer overread)
Heartbleed-style information disclosure can also be used to learn the memory layout
Enforce some policy to protect application state
- W^X
- Return address protections (e.g. canaries, shadow stacks)
- Code Pointers protections (e.g. Control-Flow Integrity, Code Pointer Integrity)
It is extremely difficult and expensive to protect the integrity of everything (enforcement cannot cover all potential attacks)
It is extrememly difficult to protect against any potential attack. However, attackers have to explot bugs to launch their attacks → Find the bugs and fix thme before the attackers
Find bugs in a program by feeding it large quantities of automatically generated inputs
The program is run on every input generated
Every run is monitored for any sign of bugs or vulnerabilities
Simplest Fuzzing
Program that opens a jpeg file
How could we do better?
- Randomly corrupt/change real JPEG files
- Reference the JPEG spec so that we generate only "JPEG-looking" data (that only properly create JPEG pictures)
- Measure the JPEG parser to see how deep we're getting in the code
Common Fuzzing Strategies
Mutation-based Fuzzing: Randomly mutate test cases from some initial corpus of inputs
Generation-based Fuzzing: Genearate test cases based on the grammar of the input format
Coverage-guided Fuzzing: Measure code coverage of test cases to guide fuzzing towards new (unexplored) program states
Mutation-based Fuzzing
1. Collect a corpus of inputs that explores as many states as possible
2. Mutate inputs randomly, possibly guided by heuristics, or domain-specific knowledge (input format)
3. Run the program on the inputs and check for crashes
4. Go to step 2
Generation-based (non-random) Fuzzing
Gernate test cases based on a specification for the input format
1. Convert a specification (or prior knowledge) of the input format into a genrateive procedure
2. Generate test cases according to the procedure and introduce random perturbations
3. Run the program on the inputs and check for crashes
4. Go back to step 2
To test Network protocols usually different packets (packets have specific forrmat)
Coverage-guided Fuzzing
Use code coverage as a feedback signal that guides fuzzing
1. Collect a corpus of inputs that explores as many states as possible
2. Select an input from the corpus prioritizing those that have high coverage, and randomly mutate it
3. Run the program on the selected input and check for a crash. If the input produces an unsee coverage, add it to the corpus
4. Go to step 2
Fuzzing tries to generate inputs that lead the program to states that satisfy specific criteria
- Security purposes: find vulnerabilities
- Reliability purposes: find bugs in the program logic
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