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Lecture 11: Cryptography 4

by Hongwoo 2024. 4. 8.


    Password Authentication

    → Attacker can attack on the client side, network and the server. 



    How should the server store passwords?

    Our goal is to defend from attacks that exfiltrate the password database stored by the server (DB에 있는 비밀번호를 얻으려고 하는 행위로 부터 방어)

    - Most common password-related attack on server

    We don't consider other password attacks on the server

    - Eavesdropping passwords submitted by users

    - Modigying the password authentication code



    Store the passwords in plaintext

    If database is stolen, so are the passwords

    Admin have direct access to users' passwords



    Store the passwords encrypted

    Store passwords encrypted with keys

    If encrypted passwords are stolen, what prevents the key from being stolen?

    Anyone with the key (admin) can view password



    Hashing the Passwords

    Identical passwords produce identical hashes (problem when a lot of users use the same password -> crack one hash, can crack everybody else)

    Once you've cracked a given hash, you can trivially crack it every tiem you see the same hash again

    Humans pick bad passwords (common passwords → frequent analysis 통해 비밀번호 알아낼 수도 있음)



    Hashing the Passwords with One Salt

    Generate a salt (random string)

    Hash all passwords with the salt

    → Hash the given password with the salt and compare



    - Identical passwords and identical salts produce identical hashes

    - Humans pick bad passwords → frequency analysis

    - If you crack one password, you crack all identical ones

    - For big sites, precomputation is worth it



    Hashing Passwords with Per-User Salting

    Generate a salt (random string) for each user

    Hash the passwrd with their salt, store salt and ahsh

    - Hash the given password with the user's salt and compare




    - Since every user has different salt, identical passwords will not have identical hashes

    - No frequency analysis

    - No using known passwords to crack other passwords

    - No precomputation, hence much harder to crack







    답: B (Yes, a fraction of them)


    Identical passwords produce identical ciphertexts

    If you know one password, you know all passwords with the same ciphertext

    Humans pick bad passwords and hints: Frequency Analysis, Password hints, Unique passwords with good hints are safe



    Password Complexity: Size of Password Space

    6-character password with only lower case letters, no numbers or symbols

    There are 26 × 26 × ... × 26 = 26^6 possible passwords

    Easy to try all of them (password can be found by brute forcing)

    → Increase the password length (also allow for more characters)



    Password Cracking

    Brute Force

    Try all passwords in a given space → this process is parallelizable

    Eventually succeeds given enough time and computing power

    Large computational effort for each password cracked



    Dictionary Attack

    Precompute hashes of a set of likely passwords → Parallelizable
    Store (hash, password) pairs sorted by hash

    Fast look up for password given the hash

    Requires large storage and preprocessing time

    A dictionary attack uses a preselected library of words and phrases to guess possible passwords. It operates under the assumption that users tend to pull from a basic list of passwords

    → 자주 사용하는 비밀번호들의 hash 미리 계산해서 저장해놓고 시도하는 방법.



    Intelligent Guessing Methods

    Try the top N most common passwords

    Dictionary of words, names, places, notable dates and try combinations of the these

    Can also train Markov Chain Model with common passwords

    For any scheme that involves guessing, the time to crack is reduced by guessing intelligently

    Key insight: Not all passwords are equally likely

    Idea: Try most likely passwords first





    답: A, B or C

    설명: Depends on the assumptions you make:

    → Policy B has bigger password space, though users can pick bad passwords (i.e. password, 12345678)

    → If both policies prevented users from picking common passwords, then B



    Secret Sharing

    How to share key s?



    1-out-of n Secret Sharing

    Everyone knows s



    - What if one of them gets kidnapped?

    - What if not everyone is trusted?



    n-out-of n Secret Sharing

    Split s into 3 shares

    Everyone is needed to reconstruct s from the shares


    Trusted Dealer:

    1. Pick s0 and s1 randomly

    2. s2 = s ⊕ s0 ⊕ s1


    Secret Recovery:

    s = s0 ⊕ s1 ⊕ s2

       = s0 ⊕ s1 ⊕ s ⊕ s0 ⊕ s1 (위 공식: trusted dealer)

       = (s0 ⊕ s0) ⊕ s ⊕ (s1 ⊕ s1)

       = (00...00) ⊕ s ⊕ (00...00)

       = s


    Information Theoretic Security:

    - No information about s can be recovered from fewer than all shares

    With fewer than 3 shares, all possible secrets are equally likely

    For any s_fake and shares s0, s1:

    s2 = s_fake ⊕ s0 ⊕ s1



    - What if someone loses their share (s 만드려면 다 필요함)

    - What if no consensus is reached? 


    Can only two shares suffice to recover s?  → 2-out-of-n secret sharing



    2-Out-Of-n Secret Sharing

    Any two shares are sufficient to recover s




    Let's say the secret is s = 42

    Consider f(x) = 10x + 42, where 10 was picked randomly.

    The secret is recovered by computing f(0)


    Each user is given a share, which is a point of f. Any two users can recover f.

    → 두 개의 점을 이용해서 line equation 구한다음 intercept 구하면 그게 s



    t-out-Of-n Secret Sharing

    Any t shares are sufficient to recover s


    Polynomials: t district points define exactly one polynomial of degree t - 1


    Information Theoretic Security:

    - No information about s can be recovered from fewer than t shares

    - With fewer than t shares all possible secrets are equally likely




    Secret Sharing

    A t-out-of-n secret sharing scheme:

    Share(s) returns s1, s2, ..., sn

    Recover(sk, ..., s_k+t-1) returns s



    For any subset S_t of Share(s) of sizt t: Recover(S_t) = s



    Using any subset of Share(s) of size smaller than t, absolutely nothing can be learned about s.



    Shamir Secret Sharing (샤미르의 비밀 공유)

    Trusted Dealer must compute Share(s).




    Lagrange interpolation to determine the polynomial and substitute value 0 to recover the secret



    - Information Theoretic Security (impossible to break even with infinite computational power)

    - Small shares (just poitns)

    - Security can be adjusted by updating the polynomial (and re-issuing shares)

    - A different number of shares can be issued to each user



    - Participants can cheat (Shares could be incorrect, nobody knows if the secret is correct or not)

    - Total trust in the dealer







    End-to-End encryption e.g. Messaging

    Cryptocurrency e.g. Bitcoin




    Anonymization Networks

    Privacy with HTTPS

    Alice connects to Bob through her ISP (Internet Service Provider)





    Route communication from source to destination via intermediate relay node

    - Communication from source to VPN relay typically encrypted and authenticated 

    - Overhead due to additional link


    VPN usage shifts visibility of communication endpoints from ISP to VPN provider




    Onion Routing

    Extend the notion of VPN by using sequence of intermediate relays

    - Under different administrative domains

    - Possibly located in different jurisdictions (관할권)

    → Elude who is sending the mssage


    Cost-benefit tradeoff:

    - Additional relays increase anonymity but slow down communication




    Onion Model

    Network of relays (aka nodes or routers)  - known public keys of relays

    Message sent via random sequence of relays (circuit)

    - First relay: entry node or guard node

    - Intermediate relays

    - last relay: exit node


    Provide privacy → can communicate anonymously



    Onion Encryption and Routing

    Layered encryption

    - Header: next node

    - Payload: message for next node, encrypted for relays


    - Decrypt and forward to next node (R1 receives the payload/message and decrypts it and figure out that R2 is the next node...)

    Each node knows previous and next


    R1이 받을 때는 E_k1 상태로 되어 있음. 이걸 해독해야 다음에 어떤 node에 보낼지 알게됨.



    Onion Routing Properties

    Privacy goal: support anonymous communication

    - Prevent linking of sender to receiver (중간에 relay nodes들이 이 역할)


    Specific privacy properties:

    - Recipient does not know who is sender (unless sender reveals it in message)

    - Administrator of relay cannot link sender to recipient (unless it controls all relays of circuit)

    - Network eavesdropper cannot link sender to recipient (unless it observes traffic at all relays of circuit)



    Onion Routing in Practice

    Do not encrypt final hop - encryption may be done by application (e.g. https)

    Source sets up:

    - Random circuit (route)

    - Symmetric keys shared with routers


    Data tunneled to final router over circuit

    Exit node issues DNS query



    Internet Censorship

    Control or suppresion of the publishing or accessing of information on the Internet

    Carried out by governments or by private organizations 

    Individuals and organizations may engage in self-censorship on their own or due to intimidation and fear 



    Censoring Techniques

    DNS Blacklist:

    - DNS does not resolve domain names or returns incorrect IP address 

    e.g. www.google.com → 'page not found'


    IP Blacklist:

    - For sites on a blacklist, the censoring system prevents connection attempts


    Keyword Blacklist:

    - The censoring system scans the URL string and interrupts the connection if it contains keywords from the blacklist



    TOR : The Onion Router

    Access normal internet sites anonymously, and Tor hidden services

    TOR helps to defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy






    TOR Analysis


    - Creates a tunnel, allows it to work with any protocol

    - Three nodes of proxying, each node not knowing the one before last, makes very difficult to find the source



    - Slow (high latency)

    - Exit node? (may have to connect to not wholesome website)

    - Semi-fixed infrastructure: possible to block all Tor relays listed in the Directory

    - Fairly easy totell someone is using it from the server side (easy to track)

    - Might raise suspicions of illegal activity



    How to Block Tor?

    Attackers can block users from connecting to the Tor network

    - Blocking the directory authorities (directory authorities are special relays that keep track of which relays are currently running)

    - Blocking all the relay IP addresses in the directory

    - Preventing users from finding the Tor software



    Bridge relays

    Rather than signing up as a normal relay, you can sign up a special bridge realy that is not listed in any directory

    No need to be an exit (so no abuse worries), and you can rate limit if needed



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